Biodiversity Conservation Trust Foundation (BCTF)

            (A research organization for biodiversity conservation)



Peer Review Process

Flow Chart of Peer Review Process of the "Journal of Biodiversity Conservation and Bioresource Management" (JBCBM)

·     Receiving article MS from the author(s) as per direction “Instructions to Contributors” of J. biodivers. conserv. bioresour. manag.

·         Reviewer(s) selection by the editorial board

·         Sending MS to the selected reviewers (double-blind system)

·         Ten days for MS reviewing tenure

·         Receiving reviewed MS from the reviewers

·    Sending reviewed articles to the authors for correction as per comments of the reviewers concerned

·         Receiving corrected copy from the author(s)

·         Forwarding corrected copies to the editorial board members for individual comments

·         Editorial board meeting

·         Final decision taken by the editorial board (MS rejection rate 33%)

·         Finally selected and approved articles are published